Autoethnography: Covid-19 in Mutia’s World by Mutia Morris

       Covid-19 drastically affected life as we knew it and brought about changes that we may never see a change back. Covid-19 affected neighborhoods, families, businesses, communities and so much more. Particularly, in my case, it affected everything, but I was more affected by its disturbance within my family. Thankfully, nobody in my family has

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Divisions During a Pandemic by Meghan Meadows

“We’re all in this together.”  To me, the tagline seemed like less of a rallying cry and more like a desperate plea as store shelves were emptied of necessities like paper products, cleaning supplies, and ingredients for bread.  I could almost tangibly feel the anger and frustration building.  When people are angry, they don’t come

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Covid-19 and the Headspace by Mason Johnson

Before the pandemic, life was good to say the least. I had just got initiated into my fraternity and started to build friendships with those who I didn’t that well. I was enjoying the spring weather and school was going great, then at the drop of a hat the world turned upside down. I went

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Serving in a Pandemic by Dylan Goldberg

At the beginning of the pandemic when there was little information surrounding Covid-19 everything was on lockdown. All staff that had to have personal interactions with residents were required to wear full personal protective equipment. Most nursing homes have sets of personal protective equipment because of influenza outbreaks however there were not nearly enough for

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Work is Where You Hang Your Hat by Shauna Keith

A New Normal             Prior to March 2020, my family operated on three separate but demanding schedules. I attended classes at IUPUI, finishing my undergrad degree. I also spent late afternoons and part of my Friday in the lab working on a bioanthropology research project). My son attends Ivy Tech to complete his general ed

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