A Pre, Proto, (and Post?)-COVID Analysis of Mapleton Fall Creek by Dana Dobbins

This project aims to analyze how the COVID-19 global pandemic has affected housing inthe Mapleton Fall Creek neighborhood of Indianapolis, Indiana. With widespread unemploymentas a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States more broadly has experienced anincrease in unemployment, evictions, and homelessness. Based on this notion, I hypothesize thatIndianapolis has seen a rise in

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Crown Hill Neighborhood by Allison Luthe

At the intersection of 38th and Meridian in Indianapolis, four neighborhoods come together, and by some standards Crown Hill neighborhood is the outcast of that quartet.  Much has been written about the storied history of Butler Tarkington or Mapleton-Fall Creek (The Polis Center), and the Meridian Kessler neighborhood association even has its own paid employee. 

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Education, Equity, and the Pandemic by Shauna Keith

In March 2020 schools across the country had to adapt to an online only model. Overnight, parents scrambled to accommodate their schedules to their children’s redesigned school day. Initially, schools were relieved that MacBooks and iPads were in use over the past few years. However, the pandemic would stretch resources and reveal serious cracks in

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Neighbors Feeding Neighbors in Little Flower by Danny Carroll

Food InsecurityAccording to Feeding America (2021), severe food insecurity can be defined as the eatingpatterns of one or more household members being disrupted and daily food intake reduced due toa lack of funds or other resources for food. In 2019, the overall food insecurity rate was thelowest it had been in more than twenty years

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Neighborhood Tour Project by Heather Blankenbaker

            For my neighborhood tour project, I wanted to focus on the Boys and Girls Club of Indianapolis, specifically the Keenan Stahl Unit where I have been working at for the last couple of years. I live about 10 minutes away from the Boys and Girls Club and I wanted to focus on it because

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